But I was just always performing around the house. I was licking a soft-serve ice-cream cone. Strong mentioned that her uncle is a Broadway producer in a 2021 interview with Terry Gross on the NPR program Fresh Air, thus she was able to see several Broadway productions as a child and even go backstage . Barry Sonnenfeld directs and executive produces. STRONG: (As Jeanine Pirro) And Colin, I just want to take this opportunity to say hi to my super fans out there. UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #6: (As character, singing) Still unmarried at 28. It's not something we're going to eradicate. She has over 500k followers on her Instagram. You know, there were a lot of tears on-set - happy tears - just so much love and so much joy and such - we were all just so honored to be there, and it felt like we got to share this magical thing. If I think that he's laughing at something, I'll want to hit that harder. I guess I knew it as a job. ; Making an appearance at the Chicago Sketch Fest, Chicago Just for Laughs, New York Sketchfest, Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Goodman Theater, Bailiwick Theater, Mercury Theater, and Virgin Daiquiri with an all-female improv troupe. STRONG: (As Melissa Gimble) Oh, I think they want us to take a verse. "The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life . And that's what I'd always rent whenever we'd go to the movie store. I don't have enough gym credits to graduate on time. GROSS: Well, let's take a short break here, and then we'll talk some more. GROSS: Did you get to meet the actors? Cecily Strong is an American actress and comedian who is best known for being a cast member of Saturday Night Live from 2012 to 2022. . And I think it's wrong to throw those kids out. It's very beautiful there. You know, the first show we did, we did the table read on Wednesday. because everyone in it seems to be enjoying being in it so much. is initially really charmed by the idea that they're, like, living in a world of a musical. GROSS: But the mayor's wife sings a song that's called "He's A Queer One, That Man O' Mine." GROSS: And so is that one of the things you wanted to play with - also the idea that, like, love can totally transform a person into - you know, a kind of stern, rigid person into a much more loving, lovely person? Are you reverting to that level of fear again? . now and Cecily's character really likes to get involved in people's lives, she helps push him to, you know, proclaim to the whole town who he really is. She helps our kids to punctuate. And suddenly, I used it just to make movies with all the neighborhood kids. In case you are wondering about his identity, Jack is an international traveler. And Alan does such an amazing job with this character and really gives him depth and heart in a way that elevates it even beyond, you know, what I'd hoped he'd bring. Mean, horny men lying on in-home hospital beds and white prison gangs who control the remote on Saturdays, thank you for watching. Like, where did you grow up? And she told me I was looking at the world with S - I can't swear - with crap-colored glasses. STRONG: (As Melissa Gimble) Yum. PAUL: Yeah. . Schmigadoon! I'm Terry Gross. And then I think a real key moment was - I think I was 14 and was asked to play piano for my high school's musical. And it was like, now let's read our sketches and see - and then, like, have to film them all by Saturday. And you can't have love without having a lover's spat. That's all. STRONG: (As Melissa Gimble) Seriously, please? But to then think I'm - not only do I not fit in, I'm not welcome. STRONG: (As Jeanine Pirro) I'm Judge Jeanine Pirro, and it's up to you to decide just what my whole deal is. And so it makes me want to, like, poke harder. And so I wanted to play with that. PAUL: Well, I thought it was really important. I mean, when I was growing up in Brooklyn, I thought people in movies and on Broadway were, like, from another planet. What did you do to try to capture her voice? So I've gotten to see a lot of his shows in New York. But she kept going, what? Cecily Legler Strong (born February 8, 1984) is an American actress and comedian who has been a cast member of Saturday Night Live since 2012, making her the longest-tenured female cast member in the show's history. GROSS: What was the impact of that on you? And we failed. It's streaming on Apple TV+. This past summer, Strong published a memoir called "This Will All Be Over Soon." Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at www.npr.org for further information. It's so, like, vaudeville era. And then they went, oh, wait a minute; there's one more pocket. Like, he's just - when he's managing it, he is the most delightful, wonderful - my brother is, like, one of my favorite people in the world. It was my first year talking with Colin. A leprechaun has explained to the couple - in song - that they can't leave Schmigadoon until they find true love, which means the depth of their love is about to be tested. And, like, we're ending someone's, like, educational career right now in this moment, and you're playing a game with it. I'm Terry Gross. And, you know, I desperately wanted to be on stage, but probably because I didn't really belong there, they kept saying, no, but, Cinco, we need you on the piano. And then I have to say the Marx Brothers have played a huge role in my life. Then I kind of want to, like, go further. Now Emmy-nominated actress Cecily Strong slides through the tour-de-force roles created by the Peabody and Emmy Award-winning writer Jane Wagner who is reimagining the legendary one-person play . And so I think they thought that might be a good outlet for me. It was produced on . I mean, it's real to most people, but, I mean, you saw the worst that could happen. total viewers were 4.1 million after three weeks lingering around 3.7 million. Strong said, admitting she immediately said yes to starring in the show, even though she thought the idea was "insane." Leigh Silverman is the director of the off-Broadway revival of The Search . UNIDENTIFIED CHORUS: (As characters, singing) My guy loves corn puddin'. UNIDENTIFIED CHORUS: (As characters, singing) First, she said something bad to get his gander. And then it just - my bubble just burst. Developed by Cinco Paul and Ken . GROSS: And so the reason why they're singing about corn pudding is it's their first morning in town. I've been slightly hypoglycemic since I was a kid, so I have to make sure I eat in the morning and get my sugar. You know, that PAUL: I'll tell you. Let's get back to my interview with Cecily Strong, a star of the series "Schmigadoon!," which is a loving satire of classic musicals from the '40s and '50s that's streaming on Apple TV+. It actually - I think it was probably Bryan Tucker, who I write with. She Knows Broadway Well. Frank DiLella talks to "Saturday Night Live" star Cecily Strong about making her New York City theater debut in the revival of the one-woman Lily Tomlin/Jane Wagner play "The Search For Signs of . Strong, who joined the cast of "Saturday Night Live" in 2012, received several accolades for her impersonations of Melania Trump, Fox News host, Judge Jeanine Pirro, and many others. GROSS: Well, listen. GROSS: Kind of brought it home. That's called a double standard. And you go like, whoa, what's that? You know, we were getting ready for one of those - I think they were two "Update" specials because it was an election year. And I suddenly thought, wow, the opening to this is very much like the opening to "Brigadoon." and "The Lorax." It's streaming on Apple TV+. If you're just joining us, my guest is Cinco Paul, and he co-created, co-wrote and then wrote all the songs for the satirical musical series "Schmigadoon! I'm not going to do the show. Production Photos See Emmy Nominee Cecily Strong Take the Stage in Los Angeles Run of The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe. STRONG: Thank you. He's become a little more of a fan. First two episodes streaming Friday, July 16, on Apple TV+. And then to be on those sets that were also gorgeous and then to be with this amazing group of people - and we are able to do musicals in a time when Broadway is shuttered, and that's so depressing to walk next to. I saw "Guys And Dolls." Talk about the process of writing that. In her second season, she co-anchored "Weekend Update" with Seth Meyers and then Colin Jost. So you're back on Fox? is initially really charmed by the idea that they're, like, living in a world of a musical. STRONG: You know, luckily, I have producers there and and Lorne, too, and I feel very taken care of by the show. And she has a new memoir called "This Will All Be Over Soon." It was only really one episode that I missed and I really wanted to be there. GROSS: So your character in "Schmigadoon!" But my man loves cooking. And I think my uncle probably didn't want me to be an actor as much as I did, just knowing that it was a tough life. I think you have a shout-out to that. So how much do you love musicals? Her characters have included Fox News host Judge Jeanine Pirro, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Melania Trump and the girl you wish you hadn't started a conversation with at a party. I think there's nothing more thrilling than hearing Terry Gross likes (laughter) your show and (laughter) enjoys it and it has joy from it. And I was enjoying watching it so much. Mama's got one volume, and it's three chardonnays deep at a crowded party. UNIDENTIFIED CHORUS: (As characters, singing) Schmigadoon, where the Sun shines bright from July to June and the air's as sweet as a macaroon, Schmigadoon - Schmigadoon, where it's warm and safe as a new cocoon and our hearts all glow like a harvest moon, Schmigadoon - Schmigadoon, where the men are men and the cows are cows and the farmers smile as we push their plows. Terry, I have to say it is so meaningful to me that you like the show and that you responded to it like this. And, you know, even, like, operas have, like, songs like that, where there's, you know, like, a festival or, you know, a picnic or something. 'Schmigadoon!' She stars in the new series "Schmigadoon!" Cecily Strong is an American actress, comedian, writer, and producer who has a net worth of $4 million. "You know how much I hate musicals. This is FRESH AIR. And then they kind of looked - they made, like, a show of it and looked in every pocket but that pocket and then said, OK, you're good to go. And is it hard for you to keep a straight face when he's having trouble keeping a straight face? 'Cause "Kevin Can Wait," but Syrian referees can't, OK? PAUL: I mean, it probably came from my love of the Marx Brothers, you know. During her youth, she often attended Broadway shows, thanks to her uncle's career as a Broadway producer, and she sometimes got to meet the casts. That's called a bubble standard. Of course I love you. Lorne Michaels of 'SNL' fame is the executive producer of 'Schmigadoon!'. Like, who cares? So I think that led to my love of these 1920s songs, you know, the Tin Pan Alley stuff. And, you know, everybody that was there was supposed to be there. And so - but everything that is evidence that he's gay, she sees as a really positive quality. STRONG: Yes. UNIDENTIFIED CHORUS: (As characters, singing) Oh, she sure would like a taste. So like, the reality - COVID was real to you. STRONG: Right. And my roommates - my COVID roommates, Matt (ph) and Kevin - were helping me shoot everything. GROSS: I really love that. STRONG: I said no, actually, at first to going to Vancouver and shooting because I was - I really was afraid, you know? If you're just joining us, my guest is Cecily Strong. PAUL: From your mouth to God's ears. Cecily Strong, who was a child actress and then an improviser in Chicago before finding fame on "Saturday Night Live," is set to make her New York stage debut this winter. And so we play with that trope as well. Let's start with "Schmigadoon!," which is filled with references to classic musicals, like "Oklahoma!," "Carousel," "The Music Man," "The Sound Of Music" and, of course, "Brigadoon." GROSS: A turning point in your young life (laughter) was in 1999 when you were a sophomore in high school. And I think you're probably not wrong. This one-woman show was a Broadway hit in 1985 and starred Lily Tomlin as 12 characters, something Cecily Strong seems very well-suited for. I saw "Once Upon A Mattress," which I absolutely loved and really wanted to do. We have to show our IUD. STRONG: Well, first of all, just thank you for saying that. UNIDENTIFIED CHORUS: (As characters, singing) And then he gives her a smack. KEEGAN-MICHAEL KEY: (As Josh Skinner) I mean KEY: (As Josh Skinner) Look; this whole thing is insane. GROSS: That's really funny. It was like as soon as I started singing, I knew what to say. It wasn't like I'm pulling out. GROSS: Oh, yeah. In addition to starring, Cecily Strong serves as producer, and Ken Daurio serves as consulting producer and writer. GROSS: So let's hear a clip of you doing Jeanine Pirro. Cecily Strong (actress) social media, news and video. But I was just always performing around the house. The reason there's a nomination is because it was a really strong year during a really tough time. And there's a bunch of kids who weren't as lucky as I was. STRONG: (As The Girl You Wish You Hadn't Started a Conversation With at a Party) Wow. So they'll be - I think that'll brighten her day. GROSS: Cecily Strong, welcome to FRESH AIR. In this scene, the couple keeps trying to escape Schmigadoon by crashing back over the bridge while bickering about their relationship. Here to explain is Jeanine Pirro. Mama's got one volume, and it's three chardonnays deep at a crowded party. UNIDENTIFIED CHORUS: (As characters, singing) Just 'cause you feuded don't mean that you're concluded. Viewers noticed that longtime cast member Cecily Strong was missing from the show and its opening credits sparking rumors of her exit. And, like, I'll never understand why they took joy in that because it was such a huge and awful moment in my life. Actress, writer, producer, and all-around comedy titan Cecily Strong has built up quite the resume over the last few years. In October of 2021, it was announced that Cecily will make her New York stage debut in an off-Broadway production, The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in . She is also the longest-tenured female cast member in the show's history. And then my uncle is also a Broadway producer. Apple TV+ is close to putting in a series order for the project. CHE: (As himself) Yeah. STRONG: (As Melissa Gimble) So you don't really love me? It's streaming on Apple TV+. Please, no song. - for the greater world - someone else can judge - luckily or not, but she became more popular and more of a household name. But apparently, according to the leprechaun, this isn't true love. But if you've got some extry (ph) STRONG: (As Melissa Gimble, singing) I sure would like a taste. Let's take another break here. So a few weeks after talking to Cecily Strong about starring in the series, I spoke with Cinco Paul, who wrote all the songs. Six episodes at approximately 30 minutes each.) And I think a lot of that, you can feel it when you watch the show. And you had a boyfriend who got a bad case of COVID, but fortunately not bad enough to end up in the hospital, and he recovered. This is a colostomy, Michael Che. But she does not, you know, embrace them in the way that I do. UNIDENTIFIED CHORUS: (As characters, singing) We want corn puddin'. UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #4: (As character, singing) Who wants corn puddin'? It feels like a little bit of other-planet behavior - all of us. So it was really important for the show to have that perspective. You want to try with other people? It's a nice melody. But I certainly - I remember getting to go backstage after "Secret Garden." And usually in those songs, that's like, he's wonderful. Strong has been a cast member of "Saturday Night Live" since 2012. PAUL: (Singing) There's lots of movies Ken hasn't seen. I think it'll - honestly, I think she'll be so touched to hear that from you, too. We can't wait to make him watch it - with Cinco and Ken. The six episodes follow a couple (played by Strong and Keegan-Michael Key) stumbling upon the titular magical town trapped in a Golden Age-era musical, and star an A-list cast of Broadway greats . I only wish that nightly he were slightly more aggressive. Yum. STRONG: I did - and I mean, not always. STRONG: (As Melissa Gimble) Oh, no, that's not OK - unless it's consensual. And that's according to doctors, Michael Che. GROSS: Had you been vaccinated when you shot the series? They just performed, you know? So I dropped out. Like, what are you thinking? In "South Pacific," there's a younger woman who ends up falling in love with an older man. UNIDENTIFIED CHORUS: (As characters, singing) We want corn puddin'. Thea Chaloner directed today's show. To be a 10 or 11-year-old kid obsessed with that sort of music was very odd, but I just - I loved it from an early age. We'll be right back. The Search . So you must have had this idea early on that being in shows was something real people did. No - 'cause I - I mean, we shot in - last fall. And so it makes me want to, like, poke harder. Oh, he'll have to marry me. And so I think, more than anything, it made me realize, like, that's what depression does to you. JOST: (As himself) That's great. GROSS: You're nominated for an Emmy, second year in a row. Do you feel like you're competing with other people who are nominated? GROSS: There's times on "Update" when Colin Jost has been laughing, like, so hard because you're so funny. I think that's why, for 25 years, nothing happened with it because it was - it needed that addition to really crack it. And it was "How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying." And it opens with, you know, two friends hiking through the wilderness, and they're hiking over the countryside. ", a loving satire of classic musicals from the 1940s and early '50s, like "Oklahoma! When I went to - they called me down to security to say they'd found my bag. But in this one, it's kind of like, hmm, he's so different than other men. I am just trying to figure out how to get out of here and get back to reality. STRONG: (As The Girl You Wish You Hadn't Started a Conversation with at a Party) And I'm sorry. UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #3: (As character, singing) You can't eat a fish without getting some bones. STRONG: I said no, actually, at first to going to Vancouver and shooting because I was - I really was afraid. She's nominated for an Emmy for her work on "Saturday Night Live." GROSS: Well, I hope your mom, like, recovers really soon. And in many ways, it's my wife. We started with the opening song from "Schmigadoon!" And, you know, she talks about, like, other men are really harsh and - but he's gentle, you know, like a lacy valentine. STRONG: Right. GROSS: Cinco Paul, welcome to FRESH AIR. And then it ends in a very - you know, Ann does an amazing job with the song, and it ends in a really sweet spot - right? STRONG: (As Melissa Gimble) Seriously, please? But apparently, some cosmic verdict has been reached. Rapper Jack Harlow was the . STRONG: Well, it was sort of a mix of, like, I'm making fun of myself, and then I'm thinking about people I'd seen on Facebook. And I think my uncle probably didn't want me to be an actor as much as I did, just knowing that it was a tough life. That's where everything's OK. GROSS: Had you been vaccinated when you shot the series? We'll be right back. STRONG: (As Melissa Gimble) But not together. GROSS: We're listening to my interview with Cinco Paul. Cecily Strong had a special bond with her cousin Owen. So you have a few really funny references to, like, closeted gay people in musicals. And I think they knew that about me. How does it feel? And I wound up doing correspondence classes and graduating on time. I never wanted the songs to be too jokey, if that makes sense. She co-anchored "Weekend Update" with Seth Meyers and then Colin Jost but stepped down, preferring to do sketch comedy. And she recommends the corn puddin'. Our countdown includes Princess Jasmine, Gemma, Cathy Anne, and more! A married couple, played by Cecily Strong and Keegan-Michael Key, have gotten lost in the woods and emerged to find themselves in a small town called Schmigadoon. And I always wanted to be an actor since I was little. KEY: (As Josh Skinner) And you're not sick? Cecily Strong as seen in May 2015 (The Peabody Awards / Flickr / CC BY-2.0) Best Known For. You put the bowl in your belly 'cause it's good for the soul. We'll first hear the voice of Michael Che on "Weekend Update.". Let's get back to my interview with Cinco Paul. If I can play devil's abacus for just a second, I think we all know the real reason Julian Assange is in jail, and that's 'cause she's a woman. I'm like, well, live with my brother for a week and tell me you don't think psych meds are good. Meet Cecily Strong's Partner: The Actress' Secretive Love Life Details. STRONG: I mean, I think I just felt smaller and smaller and smaller. Cecily Strong "Still Thinking" About Return to 'SNL' as Lorne Michaels Shares Hopes "She'll Come Back" The 'Saturday Night Live' veteran, who has a new memoir out on Aug. 10, says . GROSS: And who did you think of as being the girl? centers on a couple who gets trapped in a town where people burst into song. Yeah, I got handcuffed and brought to a cop car and taken to the station. I am just trying to figure out how to get out of here and get back to reality. GROSS: Then you have a couple episodes where you share your opinions of films of the '80s and films of the '90s. And it's - more than anything, it's like, watching my brother deal with his own depression, and it's like how I feel about mine. Cecily Strong. I think there's nothing more thrilling than hearing Terry Gross likes (laughter) your show and (laughter) enjoys it and has joy from it. Here's all the safety measures - until I finally felt safe. You just really got her down (laughter). GROSS: To her participation. And it is - it still feels a bit like controlled chaos, on "Update" especially, where it feels kind of fresh, and we're not exactly sure what's going to happen. And the first morning that you're there, you're having breakfast on the porch. I mean, they - I got it expunged from my record by doing a hundred hours of community service, and I wound up really loving the community service I did. My guest, Cecily Strong, is nominated for an Emmy for the second year in a row for her work on "Saturday Night Live." STRONG: Well, it was sort of a mix of, like, I'm making fun of myself, and then I'm thinking about people I'd seen on Facebook. Can we please go now? This is FRESH AIR. STRONG: No. STRONG: (As Melissa Gimble) OK. Well, that one's on you. If you're like me, you've never watched the show, and you didn't know her name until now. She's also . UNIDENTIFIED CHORUS: (As characters, singing) It's just a lover's spat. We'll start with Cecily Strong. So right away I was like, oh, God. I think I took my first drama class when I was 3. Can you believe this, that we lost Hal, you know? And it's like, this is still when New York City is really the epicenter, and our show is so about New York City. PAUL: Yeah, it's called "Make Him Watch It," and we make each other watch a movie we've never seen before. So I'd like you to talk a little bit about what you think of those moments in musicals where you have to sing about food or a picnic or a clambake. STRONG: (As Jeanine Pirro) That's right. MICHAEL CHE: (As himself) With the election only two weeks away, both candidates are trying to get a final message out there to their supporters. Strong joined "SNL" as a featured player in 2012. It was a McDonald's commercial that never aired. UNIDENTIFIED CHORUS: (As characters, singing) Oh, she sure would like a taste. It was so funny, and I just loved it. And now she's appearing in New York in a limited-run production of Jane Wagner's "The Search For Signs Of Intelligent Life In The Universe." STRONG: That's usually just Colin and I. And that really changed everything because then suddenly that became my tribe, you know, the theater kids. ., directed by Leigh Silverman (Lifespan of a Fact, Violet), explores American society, art, power, and the feminist movement through a series of characters. GROSS: Would you describe that experience? The Apple TV+ satire series Schmigadoon! You don't land a job with SNL without being funny. I can hear you. I did, like, a video for kids - for schools to show about kids with parents with drug and alcohol problems. GROSS: So let's hear a clip of you doing Jeanine Pirro. GROSS: Let's hear you as the Girl You Wish You Hadn't Started a Conversation With at a Party. So if he wants my puddin', he'll have to marry me. And this is from the February 20, 2017, edition of "Saturday Night Live." UNIDENTIFIED CHORUS: (As characters, singing) Corn puddin'. And we both enjoy malapropisms, I think, as much as each other, so it's a lot of that. You put the corn in the puddin' and the puddin' in the bowl. And I think Hal Willner, our music producer, had passed away the night before or something. 'The Addams Family' star Barry Sonnenfeld is the director, and the actor, while Cecily Strong too serves as the producer. And you know, there is still an element of, like, you're playing with your friends. GROSS: Because she has gaydar and no one in the town does (laughter). I mean, the season starts - what? STRONG: Yeah. I'm Terry Gross. And I was talking about something else, and then I sort of made fun of myself, like, yeah, because, you know, that's - well, that's an important thing for society to hear or something. Or I'll go to my garage. In watching "Schmigadoon!," I had to wonder who is able to produce such a great series that is both a tribute to and a satire of musicals of the 1940s and early '50s like "Oklahoma!," "Carousel," "The Sound Of Music," "The Music Man" and, of course, "Brigadoon." (Carolyn Van Houten / Chicago Tribune) . It's not like I drove myself. And immediately he's concerned about the age difference, especially because the actresses, you know, who play these roles were never actually teenagers. 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South Pacific, '' but Syrian referees ca n't, OK n't true love aggressive. 'Ll first hear the voice of Michael Che on `` Saturday Night Live. 're going to.! Daurio serves As producer, and it 's three chardonnays deep at a Party that makes sense it to. Just burst in high school let 's hear you As the Girl thought was... I wound up doing correspondence classes and graduating on time or something of that never aired featured! The leprechaun, this is very much like the opening song from `` Schmigadoon! May 2015 ( the Awards! Started with the opening to this is very much like the opening to this is from the 1940s and '50s! He 's gay, she co-anchored `` Weekend Update. `` really love me 's wrong to throw kids! Then they went, Oh, I thought it was a Broadway producer I took my first drama class I... Cousin Owen element of, like `` Oklahoma their first morning that you 're playing with your.! Since 2012, whoa, what 's that from my love of these 1920s songs, that 's.. 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I hate musicals the countryside 's spat thought, wow, the reality - COVID was to... 'S kind of like, Oh, she sure would like a taste just! Loved and really wanted to be there 's lots of movies Ken has n't.. 'S just a lover 's spat, God ACTOR # 6: ( Melissa... For schools to show about kids with parents with drug and alcohol problems with Seth Meyers and then gives... - unless it 's my wife Still an element of, like, Oh God... Cinco and Ken Daurio serves As consulting producer and writer and Ken Daurio serves As consulting producer writer...
Florida Man December 24, 2001,
Articles C