It is a collection of people. So I was quite taken aback when this scandal came out. This is a person who is pushing a boundary because they want to do something bad. And theres an element to which a church like Willow Creek was a global church, right? The priests who cross the street, right? And now lets put that in the past. Willow did not want to reckon with the deformed culture that had manifested underneath Bills leadership. Its a serious analog for what happened at Willow. They need accountability. God is doing a new work both in the lives of the Briscoe's and in the life of Bent Tree. He, Becky and their kids have been part of the fabric of BT for so long, it is Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. And its like, now someone inside the tribe has said, Something is wrong here and it must be dealt with. And it took someone of Scot McKnights gravitas to be able to shift the discussion at Willow. He gave me a few new friends here and there, people to pray with, to share with, to be coworkers in some small ministry, etc. Pete has offered to WebLearn More About Pete Today - Pete Briscoe God loves you to distraction, There is nothing you can do to make Him love them more or less, And, that Life with this Lover God is rich beyond description, regardless of your performance. Youve youve created a fiction when you organize church, what is a church organization but a legal fiction, right? Hes like, I wasnt trying to protect the man, who by chance was his brother in law. I mean, it was a great time. So there were more than 10 women that came forward and said that there was sexual misconduct by Bill Hybels. So I was really struggling with my faith. So disappointed in ECFA. Not sad or contemplative, but agitated and very irritated. He currently leads a multi-faceted media ministry called Telling the Truth which he shares with his parents Stuart and Jill Briscoe. Yes, I have be disillusioned many times by churches and some leaders. Briscoe stepped down as senior pastor at the end of 2000 but remained involved in the church and active in overseas missions. But youre right. Continue Reading The Upper Room: John 15 Posted by Nate Murray Their board operated by unanimity as well. It is also the church in which Pete Briscoe, my former wonderful pastor, grew up in. In another area, it might be used to groom someone and use vulnerability as a mechanism to draw people into something that is corrupt. And its designed to be acretive, right that they gain strength over time. Pete has offered to They wont produce any vanilla beans. Hmm. Okay, how it didnt bring accountability. At the end of the day the aftermath of destruction is felt on so many levels by so many people and we all react differently in our humanness. Its not okay. And really, I came back to the Lord at Willow and He used that church to help me reestablish my relationship with Him and with His church. Id like to share a few things as we navigate this loss together. Right. Get new articles and breaking news delivered to your inbox. And that set the course for some of these more severe things to continue happening, and then to even get more and more severe. And some of it also involved a culture that was willing to cover for wrongdoing. Tell us what you learned through you know, bringing this person to light, confronting him and dealing with the entire situation that we can learn from as a church. But what happens when there is a sheep within the flock who needs to be defended? He is with us today to talk about growing communication skills to improve preaching as well as how we can find deeper fulfillment in our work and lives. Pete reminds us that our goal is not to win arguments, but to win people. Bent Tree family and friends of Bent Tree, we invite you to post here (or on social media) your comments of encouragement, gratitude, blessing, remembrance, and tribute to the many long years our brother Pete and sister Libby have poured out their lives for the building up of Christs church. Im Julie Roys. But before we begin, I just want to take a minute to thank the sponsors of this podcast, Judson University, and Marquardt of Barrington. I know from hearing from men, that that Bill abused men emotionally, spiritually while they were working there. Im against too many lawyers, and I think Im in a position to critique this. But now my faith in the whole institution is shattered. ) So, Willows pride did not allow them to see any flaws in their leadership, especially their premier leader. I attended Willow for seven years. I He currently leads a multi-faceted media ministry called Telling the Truth which he shares with his parents Stuart and Jill Briscoe. Now, I coach pastors and business leaders in communications and self-care. And Willow just, they got killed because they wouldnt respond and say the truth. We bought the routine and its shocking. Why is it that nobody outside a very small group of women who had no power, really no position, why didnt others come to their rescue? Below is a link to a PDF of the article World Magazine did on a sex abuse scandal involving VOM. That was my upbringing. Nobody who is an elder at a church should have any aspect of their identity wrapped up in either the role of being an elder or in the success or failure of the organization. Well, to answer your question, very bad. Like they didnt read a book, figuring out how to do it, but there are warning signs that people need to be aware of. So Im very much looking forward to our time together today. So you can go to Amazon and enter in Boz Tchividjian and his book will pop up but you need to know what youre looking for because people who are sexual predators, they have an acuity for blending into society in ways that they dont stand out like this is not like, you know, the sexual predator in your church is not some, you know, grease ball sitting outside your kids ministry just kind of looking for a way to get at, like, thats our common image of what a sexual predator is. They show up, they sell books. Pete Briscoe @petebriscoe 12 Dec 2021. Because it was lawyers advice, you know, and its like, where does the word of God play into our decision making? I followed the Harvest situation, which I think is its own it, you know, separate facts. And I thought, I think I knew what he was doing when he named it that, but heres why I think its so ironic. Yeah, yeah, I think I think thats a good word to Julie. Briscoe says that he wants Bent Tree to be a place where people can agree to disagree over this issue. And I remember you saying once that you had gotten a manual, I think it was from the ECFA, and boy, we could talk about them. This person or these people were hurt as a result, you have a pride problem. And he committed sex acts with her. You have to have unity among your vocational staff at the church about, you know, key issues like how do we treat other people? Theres, theres an advocacy piece to lawyering that needs to be there a little bit, but it doesnt need to be pervasive. But heres what happened when Scot criticized them publicly. Stuart Briscoe died on August 3 "of natural causes unexpectedly" according to a tweet from his son, Pete Briscoe. Yeah, right. Heres to better days and better church health. And I could explain why I think thats funny, but you have to have extreme accountability, the larger your platform gets. Mike is a dear friend and Im sad this day has come. I think thats dangerous. Its really pride. I hear you say that and I believe in accountability really strongly. How do spot a safe pastorand can. Churches sometimes need advocates outside their system. And so, you know, as a lawyer on the board, youre not absolved from the obligation of complying with the mandates of Scripture. One of those women is Vonda Dyer. He is with us today to talk about growing communication skills to improve preaching as well as how we can find deeper fulfillment in our work and lives. "For many of you, he was preacher, pastor, mentor or friend. And there was also a service at WC where the board interviewed him and was he was questioned about an affair. And we need to apologize. And I think you hit the nail on the head. (See page 54 and following) If youre looking for a car I encourage you to visit my friends at Marquardt of Barrington. It was everything from Vonda Dyers situation of being asked to come up to Bills room and talk leadership and a forced kiss, you know, a grab around the waist. Stuart Briscoe died on August 3 "of natural causes unexpectedly" according to a tweet from his son, Pete Briscoe. It took a variety of forms. And something else that you mentioned about the board, which I found fascinating was that the Willow Creek board had an awful lot of lawyers on it. I know that the original elders of Harvest thought they could keep James accountable despite the knowledge that he had glaring character flaws from the beginning. Through Petes teaching on Sundays and through various conversations with other staff members during the week, God shifted my perspective on what it means to live life in Christ one from my own efforts to please God to one of Christs efforts on my behalf to love me deeply, extravagantly, and permanently. So your pastor, he chose himself to step down, correct? WebIt is with heavy hearts that the Elders of Bent Tree announce that Pete Briscoe has submitted his resignation as Senior Pastor. So, thanks for taking the time and you know, anybody whos willing to take a few minutes out of their vacation for a podcast, I just really appreciate it. Well, lets talk a little bit about the leadership that protected him because I think that is the question that I keep hearing over and over from folks is, How do we prevent this from happening? I was the senior pastor of Bent Tree Bible Fellowship for nearly 30 years. They made a lot of friends. We see this is the third article this month youve found worth reading. The thing that is so terrifying is that someone who has been a senior pastor in an organization like that is not beyond it. But if you have a pastor with a glaring character flaw youre fooling yourself if you think youre gonna keep that character flaw in line with a pastor who doesnt put Jesus Christ first in his life, am I right? How do you recommend searching worth while places to donate too? Hes just an affectionate kind of guy. You have your identity rooted in something other than Christ, the centrality of Christ. Funny, whenever I would watch Bill Hybels preach online or speak at the GLS, and he would go into that quavering voice, tears-in-his-eyes, emotional mode, Id stop listening. Amen. WebPete Briscoe, Stuart and Jills youngest son, was a key contributor to the ministrys teaching team from 2003 to 2021. Hi Julie, my name is Teresa and I was wondering if Voice of the Martyr was a good place to donate. The Journal Sentinel reported: Elmbrook resignations are the latest to rock evangelical Christian churches. So thank you. He even cites a conversation with Darrell Bock, a member who disagrees with the elders but who also says it is not an issue worth dividing over. I mean, you dont need to be trying to fit a round peg into a square hole, because it is gonna manifest itself in bad ways. This is simply a place where I share the message of Gods unadulterated grace through my preaching sermons and bible teaching. Would you consider making a tax-deductible donation to help our journalists continue to report the truth and restore the church? He said, Pete, you should have one lawyer on your board but not more than one. And I believe that there is some really sound wisdom in that. Vonda was at one time the director of Willow Creeks vocal ministry, and she was one of the first women to come forward and speak publicly about Bill Hybels alleged sexual misconduct. Petes teaching and emphasis on the sufficiency of Christ leaves an indelible mark on so many of our souls. Amen. Yeah, I think youre gonna be waiting a while. With that purpose in mind, they launched theTelling the Truth ministry. For the next 90 minutes, Pete Briscoe enraptured us with his presentation of The Bema.. That is a very fair question. I know the owners Dan and Kurt Marquart personally, and I can say without reservation that they truly run their business with honesty, integrity and transparency. What makes you stick with that model and believe it can still be used despite how badly that model has been abused? The church is literally a collection of people. So to some extent, we all have a measure of hypocrisy. And they were no friends of ours during the Harvest investigation either. I mean, I cant tell you how many stories I heard just like the one that you told the people who said, Well, I was at a conference with Bill Hybels, and he was awful to me. It should be something that he learned from, right? and I found these people in those imperfect churches! And I can only imagine what the economic forces are behind the scenes for that, but it really disappoints me, that that hasnt happened. But they spoke. 1 talking about this. May God lead your next steps and may you find ways to use your gifts from a place of health. And these men are good actors. The news of Petes resignation landed heavy on my heart. And my understanding was the elder board set some boundaries for Clinton to be able to come and speak. WebPete Briscoe answers that question by pointing us to Paul as the perfect example of one who speaks with tender boldness. I mean, that is just huge. I know about the deleted emails. That goes to the guarding role that Attorney Mitch shared. Can I talk about Scot McKnight for a second? I learned that from Bill. But it just has not really looked like true repentance in so many ways. In fact, I know some of them. which Hybels assented to including you know, repenting for his behavior and not talking about politics and some other things as well. And I saw this at Harvest Bible chapel when I was doing reporting there. And Harvest was the same thing. Jill So if you think of Willow as being a living thing, we are willing to put other things to death on the altar of preserving that organism. I encourage you to start praying again and trust God to open doors for you in godly and meaningful fellowship. Pete is the son of Jill and Stuart Briscoe. And a lot of us who sat in the congregation and received from them were, you know, duped and we bought it. You know, Hybels daughter had her own book on Oprahs book club. I will always have my faith in Jesus but church especially WCCC has been a huge disappointment. At one point, the elder board at Willow became what people call a policy governance board. WebPete Briscoe answers that question by pointing us to Paul as the perfect example of one who speaks with tender boldness. Youre its just not its not a matter of if its a matter of when. The woman had come forwarded, but then later recanted her story. Briscoe says that he wants Bent Tree to be a place where people can agree to disagree over this issue. And yet youre still in a megachurch, multi-site church. Please know you are not alone. Senior pastors dont need advocates. Leave them alone. I can see the elders (more than half of which were women), and people in general saying, It was only a hug. And I think theres a kind of an old guard of megachurch pastors and leaders that think that theyre above accountability and theyre beginning to realize theyre not. About Stuart and Jill Briscoe And its so important, I think, for any of us who are doing any kind of ministry at all, if we get our identity wrapped up in what were doing, then what were doing is no longer ministry, its no longer service to the Lord. It is a collection of people that we are to care for. It manifested even at the IT level at the church. But theres a sense that the Church of Jesus Christ Universal is represented all throughout not just the United States but the world. Scott Dyer was the worship pastor at Bent Tree Bible fellowship. But it really had the tone has to be set by leadership for a culture of goodness. This is what manifests. In fact, back in the late 80s, early 90s, we went to Willow Creek and we had a wonderful experience. Julie, thats whats so interesting about this story to me as I got deeper into it, I started to understand That, you know, when you go to the movies, and you see a story, you expect, okay, that guys the villain. What I do, you know, and what Ministry Watch is doing and what all these independent bloggers are doing, that its bringing accountability. Basically, theyre a rubber stamp., Julie, I have a different take on what happened at WCC. I wasnt throughout the representation. Do we have a theology of goodness at our church? Im so glad that theyre godly men like you serving. Guest Bios Show Transcript Spiritual abuse has become an increasingly hot topic, as more and more stories of bully pastors and hyper-controlling, Guest Bios Show Transcript After years spent in an abusive church, how do you heal? About Stuart and Jill Briscoe My personal belief, not speaking on behalf of anyone else, my personal belief is that that structure is designed to fail, because elders cant elder in that structure. Bill Hybels and Bill Clinton, you know, developed a friendship over the years that at least what Ive discovered in my research, there was an invitation for Clinton to come and speak at the Global Leadership Summit, and a confrontation with the elder board about that because Clinton was on the heels of an adultery scandal. We were talking a little bit about the elder board. It is. Telling another woman, how she looks in a dress and how it accentuates her body, everything up to an alleged affair, to Pat Baronowski, Bill Hybels longtime assistant, stating in the New York Times said Bill Hybels made her obtain pornography and they watched it together. By the way, the best thing that was said in the recording is that if character isnt there, none of the regulations will matter, and if character is there, one doesnt need the regulations. They have a responsibility to the larger church to speak. Let the Briscoes help you experience Life in all its fullness! And theres a lot of people asking, Is that just too great a burden to ever put on one person? How do you respond to that? When you say the IT department, its my understanding you came into some information about emails getting destroyed. So you caught them before that anything actually happened? Manipulative theatrics. At that age, I had never had someone in spiritual authority lie or manipulate me. I was kind of thrust into the middle of it out of love for wanting to help my friends and man, that thing escalated pretty quickly. The Elder Board has accepted Petes decision, and his resignation is effective March 31, 2019. There was another case that also occurred where he committed oral sex with his assistant. And where does whats legally expedient for our organization? Talk to me about how you saw this playing out at Willow Creek. I was just following following lawyers advice. So its okay. Pete Briscoe @petebriscoe 12 Dec 2021. Volunteers monitored the process in real time, turning over cassettes at the appropriate time to record on the second side. Heres my belief, Julie, I think the church at large, the big leaders in evangelicalism, we can name names if we want to, and Im sure that people have names on their mind when theyre hearing this, Why were they silent? I was just trying to build a relationship, or whatever you just go, But I see you for what you are and youre gonna have to go.. Its all a Business and Power tool and stage for Virtue Signaling. I hope someday I can overcome this cynicism because I need Church as it should be. Why did so many look the other way for so long? So a young person in our high school ministry. All the times something didnt seem right. As I was working through the Willow Creek representation with these women, the thing that kept cropping up to me was the Milgram experiment. As I look back on my own four years on staff, Im thankful for the teaching and leadership that Pete Briscoe has brought to Bent Tree, and I know that so many of us have been impacted by his attention to the Lord and quick obedience to however God leads him. Well, I tried other churches and its more of the same. And this is a huge problem in the Evangelical Church in the southern baptist church, I mean, just absolutely massive problem where so often the predators covered up instead of brought to justice. And thats one of the things that I just come back to is that the word hypocrisy in the Greek the word that comes from that means actor. If they have the character to lead the accountability will help keep them you know, keep them honest, so to speak, you know, its kind of like when you put a bike lock on your bike that. I think the load needs to be shared. I heard an elder once describe his role as a glorified sanitation engineer. These are people that are in your country club. WebPete Briscoe, Stuart and Jills youngest son, was a key contributor to the ministrys teaching team from 2003 to 2021. And its not something you can control like traditional mainstream media. Destroyed by a staff person is my understanding. Id like to share a few things as we navigate this loss together. I came out of Wheaton College, as I know a lot of kids do when youre in a Christian environment and maybe see some disillusioning things and I just, it was really a hard spiritual time for me. That way, youll never miss an episode. WebPete Briscoe answers that question by pointing us to Paul as the perfect example of one who speaks with tender boldness. Im still waiting for the apology for the public apology for giving. WebSince that time he has ministered on every continent, written more than 40 books, pastored a church for 30 years, and founded a media ministry called Telling the Truth which now broadcasts daily worldwide. He, Becky and their kids have been part of the fabric of BT for so long, it is But as you say its Gods grace that despite all that hes used these men to bless many, despite everything. Im so grateful now for that heritage. And this is one of the I think exciting things. You know, when you have somebody like Bryan Loritts, who when hes talking about why when he was at a former church, he didnt disclose to the church that they had a sexual predator among them for six months. And the thing about predators, Bill Hybels included, okay, is they start to do more things in public to condition you to behavior that is inappropriate, and they test their boundaries, to see what they can get away with., Also, Id encourage you to read the website below. So he said something about so and sos clothing. Yet, Scripture and to how to teach it became new and deep and exciting every week as I listened to Pete in the short three years I have been at Bent Tree. God uses the faithful and generous support of people like you to continue to change lives through the ministry of Telling the Truth. Jesus said, I call you My friend. About Stuart and Jill Briscoe I mean, there were some things that you learned specifically, that were done to potentially cover wrongdoing by Bill Hybels. You can read about them at their website Teaching the Truth. Or what is the church think about Calvinism? something along those lines. Telling the Truthis the international on-air and online media ministry that distributes the teaching content of uniquely-gifted Bible teachersStuart and Jill Briscoeto help people know Christ and experience Life in all its fullness. Well, and thanks so much for listening to The Roys Report, a podcast dedicated to reporting the truth and restoring the church. Like so many of you, I love Pete. Thats a bad default state. Growing up in a ministry family, Pete watched and learned from his parents and witnessed the reach and power of Telling the Truth's media outreach. The cover up of his behavior manifested at the elder board level. Those are the good guys. And the people in this story are complex characters. When I came onto our board, the terms that Pete Briscoe used were, guide, govern and guard. And I think policy governance has the governing part. With distinctly different teaching styles, you'll be moved by the emotional appeal of Jill and the compelling logic of Stuart, as they boldly proclaim God's sovereignty, grace, and love. Today were talking with Pete Briscoe, who served as the senior pastor for nearly three decades at Bent Tree Bible Fellowship in Carrollton, Texas, and now consults with and coaches pastors. And its pervasive, and people are, theyre using it. Understanding & Overcoming Spiritual Abuse, Part II, Understanding & Overcoming Spiritual Abuse, Escaping & Healing from Abusive Churches, Part 2,, Briscoe stepped down as senior pastor at the end of 2000 but remained involved in the church and active in overseas missions. I totally agree with you Julie on how I viewed the Clergy and Church growing up. I appreciate your feedback. Much has been written on establishing criteria for board member selection. And thats not what this is about. Also, make sure you subscribe to The Roys Report on Apple podcasts or Google podcasts. Mike is a dear friend and Im sad this day has come. And I do think theres a spiritual stronghold, I hope and pray that it will be broken in our area. The outside investigation report said something along the lines of, Bill Hybels hundreds or thousands of emails with this woman were, not available. Well, as it turns out my understanding from talking to witnesses, those emails were actually destroyed. Stuart and Jill Briscoe have always had a passion for teaching God's Word and speaking Truth into people's hearts and moving them toward God. I would probably have been among those who defended Bill saying, He couldnt have done these things; Hes too strong of a Christian leader. 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Savannah Mugshots 2021, Articles W