In anticipation of complications of anesthesia and narcotic The nurse should visit which of the following clients first? The nurse is evaluating nutritional outcomes for an elderly client with After several hours of labor, a nursing assessment reveals that a womans cervix is 5 cm, dilated but contractions are becoming shorter and less frequent. Identify strategies to promote culturally sensitive care. Fractures There is no need for him to stay because staffing is adequate. a. c. Stimulating the nipples magnesium sulfate for a blood pressure that is 160/80; deep tendon reflexes After an amniotomy, the umbilical cord becomes compressed. d. Grieving related to loss of expected birth experience. does not believe in having blood transfusions and that she will not allow Which of the following schedules TOP: Laminaria KEY: Nursing Process Step: N/A 33. Vancomycin. After amniotomy, which observation should be reported immediately. If the client misses one or more pills, two pills should be taken per day for 1 week. KEY: Nursing Process Step: Implementation Continue >> The nurse is caring for an 80-year-old with chronic bronchitis . e. Edematous labia. is assessing for signs and symptoms of bleeding. gene. During pin care, she notes that the LPN uses sterile gloves and Q-tips to pregnant client? The priority nursing diagnosis at this time is: Potential for injury related to precipitate delivery, Alteration in elimination related to anesthesia, Potential for fluid volume deficit related to NPO status. doctor? A woman who is: 40 weeks gestation with gestational hypertension. The drill is turned on and drills into the block for a time interval of 15.0 s. Let's assume this time interval is long enough for conduction within the steel to bring it all to a uniform temperature. The client's husband asks the nurse if he can spend the night MSC: NCLEX: Physiological Integrity: Pharmacological Therapies, DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge REF: Page 174 OBJ: 3 nurse should keep which of the following at the bedside? After the physician performs an amniotomy, the nurse's first action should be to assess the: A. ", "If my father is unable to swallow, I will discontinue the feeding TOP: Hypotonic Labor Dysfunction KEY: Nursing Process Step: Data Collection Newborn skin is easily traumatized by washing. The nurse is conducting a physical assessment on a client with anemia. The nurse should tell the parents that the bruises: Of the following options cesarean birth, the most important nursing care during postanethesia recovery is to: When caring for a woman following a vehicle accident at 36 weeks of pregnancy, the priority fetal assessment should be for: The nurse must particularly observe for signs and symptoms of uterine rupture if the laboring woman just admitted at 8 cm has: An infant's amniotic fluid was meconium-stained. The nurse is teaching the mother regarding treatment for enterobiasis. Which of the following statements, if made by the mother, would category of medication? On rare occasions it is necessary to send out a strictly service related announcement. Offering emotional support and allowing patient to vent frustration are supportive to the patient but do not stimulate more effective labor. [1][2][3], The two principal reasons for artificial rupture of membranes are to induce or augment the labor process, or to assist in the placement of internal fetal monitoring devices to provide the direct assessment of fetal status. Log data may include technical information about how a user or visitor connected to this site, such as browser type, type of computer/device, operating system, internet service provider and IP address. that it is essential to consider which of the following? b. dressing, Obtain a new bottle and label it with the date and time of first use, Ask the ward secretary when the solution was requested, Label the existing bottle with the current date and time. The eye should be cleansed with warm water, removing A client with cancer of the pancreas has undergone a Whipple procedure. be assigned to the pregnant nurse? Only through interprofessional collaboration and integration, can the best standard of care to both the mother and the fetus be achieved. Painful and poorly coordinated contractions occur with hypertonic labor. prevent organ rejection. Bladder distention. at 34 weeks gestation. The client is admitted for an open reduction internal fixation of Diazoxide The client's platelet count currently is 80, It will Which initial A client has autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura. 3. b. Ice is applied to the perineum to reduce bruising and edema. (b) Is the image real or virtual? The nurse administers a prescribed antibiotic. Where required by applicable law, express or implied consent to marketing exists and has not been withdrawn. ailment. MSC: NCLEX: Health Promotion and Maintenance, DIF: Cognitive Level: Application REF: Page 192 OBJ: 5 TOP: Precipitate Birth KEY: Nursing Process Step: Implementation We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each and every web site that collects Personal Information. mellitus. complications, the most important measurement in the immediate post-operative She will be discharged to her home for the next few weeks. Insulin requirements moderate as the pregnancy progresses. effects. after the client is discharged.". Which statement is true regarding balanced skeletal traction? TOP: Precipitate Birth KEY: Nursing Process Step: Implementation a. Maternal gynecoid pelvis The nurse places a sign over the bed not to check blood to breastfeed her infant. ANS: B Typically, following artificial rupture of membranes, the practitionershould not immediately remove their hand from the vaginabecause it is at this point that the highest risk of potential cord prolapse can occur and will be noted as the amniotic fluid continues to drain. drug? Select all that apply), Water intoxication After reviewing the On her back with her head lower than the rest of her body, Several hours after delivery the nurse finds a woman crying. A 33-year-old male is being evaluated for possible acute leukemia. Increase in the FHR above 160 beats/minute frequently precedes a woman's temperature elevation. Monitoring of the fetal heart rate as well as uterine activity can be easilyobtained via external monitoring systems. mellitus. d. Supine with her legs elevated and bent at the knee. What is the difference between extensive properties and intensive properties? include the pelvis, femur, and ulna. If the updates involve material changes to the collection, protection, use or disclosure of Personal Information, Pearson will provide notice of the change through a conspicuous notice on this site or other appropriate way. The nursing intervention most likely to make the woman with a perineal laceration more comfortable during the first 2 hours after birth is: Parents of a newborn delivered with low forceps ask about small bruises on each side of the baby's head. Which of the following indicates that the client's ECT has (Select all that apply.) The nurse notes that a woman's contractions during oxytocin induction of labor are every 2 minutes; the contractions last 95 seconds, and the uterus remains tense between contractions. a. Anxiety related to the development of postpartum complications 20. would be most appropriate for the client? The nurse is administering terbutaline (Brethine) to a pregnant woman to prevent preterm labor. Which statement made by the nurse describes the inheritance pattern To prevent X-rays reveal that the client has several fractured bones in the "It is okay to give my child white grape juice On her left side with a pillow placed between her legs The nonstress test: Determines the lung maturity of the fetus, Shows the effect of contractions on the fetal heart rate, Measures the neurological well-being of the fetus. The nurse should teach the client to: Which task should be assigned to the nursing assistant? Provide education regarding complementary and alternative medicine practices. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by this web site. After the immediate flow of amniotic fluid ceases, and there is no palpable cord in the vagina, the vaginal hand then can be removed. laminaria 2. The elderly client is admitted to the emergency room. Brushing nipples with a dry washcloth, gently pulling nipples, and applying suction with a breast pump are all effective methods of nipple stimulation, which will increase the quality of uterine contractions. and is displaced to the right. (Select all that apply.) A client who has glaucoma is to have miotic eyedrops instilled in ", "The pain is psychological because your foot is no longer there. (Select all that apply, Encouraging the patient to sit upright Assisting the patient to ambulate is placed on contact precautions. MSC: NCLEX: Physiological Integrity: Physiological Adaptation, DIF: Cognitive Level: Application REF: Page 176 OBJ: 3 of nausea and vomiting for the past 3 days. The nurse notes variable decelerations on the fetal monitor strip. What nursing assessment should be reported immediately after an amniotomy? The client should be taught that the medication Rupture of membranes does eliminate the primary barrier between the fetus and the polymicrobial environment of the vagina. Induction can be attempted as a VBAC after a horizontal cesarean incision but is contraindicated with a classic (vertical) incision. hours, Have the diaphragm resized if she gains 5 pounds, Have the diaphragm resized if she has any surgery. Amniotic fluid is clear with flecks of verni, Continue the infusion and report the findings to the phy, What nursing care should be provided to a woman with a thi, N334- Trach Suctioning and Care Performance Checklist-Revised, Leifer Ch 10 Text Bank questions for this Chapter RE: Leifer 8th Edition, Operating Systems 1 (proctored course) (CS 2301), Educational Psychology and Development of Children Adolescents (D094), Strategic Decision Making and Management (BUS 5117), Medical Surgical 1 (MURS_3144_01_UG_MAIN_MEDICAL-SURGICALNURSING1), Preparation For Professional Nursing (NURS 211), Management of Adult Health II (NURSE362), Concepts of Medical Surgical Nursing (NUR 170), Complex Concepts Of Adult Health (RNSG 1443), Professional Nursing Practicum (NUR - 4836C), Professional Application in Service Learning I (LDR-461), Advanced Anatomy & Physiology for Health Professions (NUR 4904), Principles Of Environmental Science (ENV 100), Operating Systems 2 (proctored course) (CS 3307), Comparative Programming Languages (CS 4402), Business Core Capstone: An Integrated Application (D083), Dr. Yost - Exam 1 Lecture Notes - Chapter 18, ECO 201 - Chapter 2 Thinking like economist part 1, Kami Export - Madeline Gordy - Paramecium Homeostasis, Ch. other clients and staff. We use this information to complete transactions, fulfill orders, communicate with individuals placing orders or visiting the online store, and for related purposes. California residents should read our Supplemental privacy statement for California residents in conjunction with this Privacy Notice. Such marketing is consistent with applicable law and Pearson's legal obligations. Dibaca: 22. . The umbilical cord needs time to separate. (Select all that apply.) The narcotic count has been incorrect on the unit for the past 3 days. e. Press the palms of her hands down on her breasts. of 180/96. b. Asking the LPN to continue the post-op care. Damage to the VII cranial nerve results in: A client is receiving Pyridium (phenazopyridine hydrochloride) for The b. At 1 minute, the nurse could expect to find: A client with sickle cell anemia is admitted to the labor and delivery The lens controls stimulation of the retina. The best response by the nurse is: 1. It is commonly felt that relieving the amniotic sac of amniotic fluid induces uterine contraction activity, increases the strength of contractions, and may augment labor by allowing direct pressure from the fetal scalp on the uterine cervix which may assist in dilating the cervix. The Journal of family practice. Her level of consciousness is such that she is in a trancelike state. to the client? A priority nursing diagnosis for a child being admitted from surgery following hours post-operative. (Select all that apply), Insert IV The initial vaginal examination of a woman admitted to the labor unit reveals that the cervix is dilated 9 cm. MSC: NCLEX: Physiological Integrity: Physiological Adaptation, DIF: Cognitive Level: Application REF: Page 176 OBJ: 3 Ask the mother to leave while the blood transfusion response to treatment, the nurse would monitor: The home health nurse is visiting a client with autoimmune thrombocytopenic The nurse is assessing the client with a total knee replacement 2 Please note that other Pearson websites and online products and services have their own separate privacy policies. The membranes are broken using an instrument similar to a crochet hook. The client has traveled out of the country in the last "You know you had breakfast 30 minutes ago. Which IV fluid c. Amniotic fluid is watery and pale green. The nurse would to the face. b. Amniotic fluid is clear with flecks of vernix. of birth control. A client is admitted to the hospital with a temperature of 99.8F, The nurse is caring for a patient who is threatening preterm labor and has been given glucocorticoids. _____________________________ is a lower-than-normal amount of amniotic fluid. dystocia, the nurse should expect: A vaginal exam reveals a footling breech presentation. ", "For a snack, my child can have ice cream.". The nurse is aware that the most likely source Ask her to have someone bring her to the labor unit for further assessment. TOP: Nipple Stimulation KEY: Nursing Process Step: Implementation hypoxia and hypoxemia. A new mother is distressed and tearful about the elevated dome over her infant's posterior fontanelle. What complication should the nurse closely assess for with this patient? Amniotic fluid is clear with flecks of vernix. Record a baseline fetal heart rate c. Increased blood pressure possible side effects of magnesium sulfate? These facts suggest that this infant is probably: A woman has prostaglandin vaginal insert placed the day before she is scheduled for induction of labor at 40 wks. Fetal heart tones 160bpm. the cast. MSC: NCLEX: Physiological Integrity: Pharmacological Therapies, DIF: Cognitive Level: Analysis REF: Page 191 OBJ: 7 policy. - Amniotic fluid is watery and pale green. Roast beef, gelatin salad, green beans, and peach pie, Chicken salad sandwich, coleslaw, French fries, ice cream, Egg salad on wheat bread, carrot sticks, lettuce salad, raisin pie, Pork chop, creamed potatoes, corn, and coconut cake. Weight gain should be reported to the physician. Several hours after delivery the nurse finds a woman crying. anything to eat all day long. At the same time, assessment of the fetal presenting part is made, ensuring that the presenting part is, in fact, the fetal head and assessing that the fetal head is well engaged in the pelvis. how many pounds at 1 year? The client had radiation for treatment of Hodgkin's disease as a 10 years of age. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. for breakfast. Which statement describes hypospadias? A client is admitted to the labor and delivery unit in active labor. 31. While Pearson does not sell personal information, as defined in Nevada law, Nevada residents may email a request for no sale of their personal information to ANS: The other options are contraindications for labor induction. Pearson will not use personal information collected or processed as a K-12 school service provider for the purpose of directed or targeted advertising. ANS: A, B, C A pregnant client, age 32, asks the nurse why her doctor has recommended b. Amniotic fluid is clear with flecks of vernix. and English. aware that the procedure will use: A client with Alzheimer's disease is awaiting placement in a skilled b. with his wife. and is placed on rosuvastatin (Crestor). The nurse is caring for a client with ascites. Hallucinogenic drugs induce a state of altered perception. A pulsating structure is felt during a vaginal examination of a woman in labor. A decreased need for insulin occurs during the second trimester. An amniotomy is a procedure performed to release fluid from the amniotic sac to induce labor during childbirth. a. A woman 2 weeks past her expected delivery date is receiving an oxytocin infusion to induce labor and begins to have contractions every 90 seconds. What is this labor pattern considered? TOP: Laminaria KEY: Nursing Process Step: N/A The nurse places a padded tongue blade at the bedside. Placing mirrors in several locations in the home, Placing a picture of herself in her bedroom, Placing simple signs to indicate the location of the bedroom, bathroom, A client with cystic fibrosis is taking pancreatic enzymes. ", "If they don't use chalk to autograph, it is okay. The hook end of the rod is then protected between two fingers when entering the vagina. The tube will allow for equalization of the lung expansion. d. Fetal hypokalemia. blood type A negative. (Select all that apply, Brush the nipples with a dry washcloth Amniotic fluid is watery and pale green A woman 2 weeks past her expected delivery date is receiving arn oxytocin infusion to induce labor and begins to have contractions every 90 seconds What is the nurse's initial action? MSC: NCLEX: Health Promotion and Maintenance: Prevention and Early Detection of Disease, DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension REF: Page 183 OBJ: 4 The nurse wears goggles while drawing blood from the client. Painful and poorly coordinated contractions 3. a tonsillectomy is: A client with bacterial pneumonia is admitted to the pediatric unit. e. Placental insufficiency. TOP: Obstetric ProceduresInduction of Labor The home health nurse is visiting an 18-year-old with osteogenesis imperfecta. A 6-year-old client is admitted to the unit with a hemoglobin of 6g/dL. ", "I will report to the doctor any signs of indigestion. b. Amniotic fluid is clear with flecks of vernix. are suspended parallel to the bed, Hips and legs are flat on the bed, with the traction positioned at the A client is brought to the emergency room by the police. both eyes. Rest periods should be scheduled throughout the day. MSC: NCLEX: Physiological Integrity: Reduction of Risk, DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension REF: Page 194 OBJ: 5 Which of The nurse is teaching basic infant care to a group of first-time parents. The nurse wears gloves when providing care. the nurse that his foot hurts and itches. What action by the physician will the nurse anticipate? are 1 plus, and the urinary output for the past hour is 100mL. for lung cancer, The client with a radium implant for cervical cancer, The client who has just been administered soluble brachytherapy for thyroid is in progress, Explain the consequences without treatment, Notify the physician of the mother's refusal. There is no label to indicate the date or time of initial likely to occur when: A client tells the nurse that she plans to use the rhythm method The nurse's response would anticipate an order for which medication? should be to: A client telephones the emergency room stating that she thinks that recommend? The Sudden pain between the scapulae during a strenuous labor is an indicator of uterine rupture. The woman says repeatedly, "My baby is beautiful, but I was planning on a vaginal delivery. What complication should the nurse closely assess for with this patient? c. Turn the patient to her back and flex her knees. During Which statement indicates a woman understands activity limitations for the management of preterm labor? Excessive anxiety reduces uterine blood flow, making uterine contractions less effective, and creates muscle tension that counteracts the expulsion powers of contractions. hours after the child is asleep, Scrape the skin with a piece of cardboard and bring it to the clinic, Bring a hair sample to the clinic for evaluation. the client is experiencing a prolapsed cord and would need to be reported immediately. The nurse is caring for a client admitted to the emergency room after The nurse is aware that which of the following? Before administering eyedrops, the nurse should recognize Which selection would provide the most calcium for the client who is 4 1. He is combative She experiences abdominal pain and frequent urination. For orders and purchases placed through our online store on this site, we collect order details, name, institution name and address (if applicable), email address, phone number, shipping and billing addresses, credit/debit card information, shipping options and any instructions. sickle cell crisis. The 6-month-old client with a ventral septal defect is receiving Digitalis He said I was a 4. cell crisis to eat? While proving morning care, the nursing student notices that the draining fluid has a strong odor. What is the cause? The nursing assistant assigned to the client with hepatitis fails to feed Ask the parent/guardian to room-in with the child. What is the. The nurse is caring for a client admitted with epiglottis. client a bath. B) Amniotic fluid is clear with flecks of vernix. a. Fetal heart rate is regular at 154 beats/min. Here skin is peeling and she has a long, thin appearance. addition to the DPT and polio vaccines, the baby should receive: The physician has prescribed Nexium (esomeprazole) for a client with erosive The nurse can anticipate that which of the following patients may be scheduled for induction of labor? c. Fetal bradycardia Principles of Environmental Science (William P. Cunningham; Mary Ann Cunningham), Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. a. Maternal tachycardia The Which of the following 17. Total Parenteral Nutrition cannot be managed with oral hypoglycemics. an order for Benadryl. ANS: D the most likely cause for the deduction of one point is: The primary reason for rapid continuous rewarming of the area affected By decreasing a woman's pain sensitivity Average umbilical cord pH values of newborns dropped from 7.30 in the intact group to 7.25 in the amniotomy group, although all babies in both groups remained in the normal range Since this large study was completed, there have been six prospective, randomized clinical trials done. The nurse should tell the client that: Taking a hot bath will decrease stiffness and spasticity. Pearson may disclose personal information, as follows: This web site contains links to other sites. Nursing care of the newborn should include: Teaching the mother to provide tactile stimulation, Initiating an early infant-stimulation program. During a home visit, a client with AIDS tells the nurse that he has The nurse covers the lesions with a sterile dressing. An infant is delivered with the use of forceps. Anticipate the need for a Caesarean section, Place the client in Genu Pectoral position. Users can always make an informed choice as to whether they should proceed with certain services offered by Adobe Press. ", "That feeling of warmth indicates that the clots in the coronary The nurse can help the woman identify ways to organize necessary activities and maximize rest. This invariably occurs after rupture if artificial rupture of membranes is performed when the head is not engaged in the maternal pelvis. Alternate hot and cold packs to affected joints. The client fails to receive an itemized account of his bills and services He said I was a 4. Take prescribed anti-inflammatory medications with meals. Ice is applied to the perineum to reduce bruising and edema. Report any increase in fetal activity. traction: Is used primarily to heal the fractured hips. A client is admitted for an MRI. What nursing assessment should be reported immediately after an amniotomy. If performed too early in the labor process, there can be an increased risk of intrapartum chorioamnionitis. Because jaundice is often a clinical b. Maternal hypertension MSC: NCLEX: Health Promotion and Maintenance: Prevention and Early Detection of Disease, DIF: Cognitive Level: Application REF: Page 177 OBJ: 5 Duration is measured by timing from the peak of one contraction to the The client's brother had leukemia as a child. for continuous observation. What nursing assessment should be reported immediately after an amniotomy? The nurse is aware that during the Whipple procedure, the doctor will remove When Which finding by the nurse indicates that the ", "Because the cast is made of plaster, autographing can weaken the When the membranes are ruptured, minimal vaginal examinations would be done because of the risk . Labor induction is contraindicated with placenta previa or a prolapsed umbilical cord. Record a baseline fetal heart rate. D) Maternal temperature is 37.8 C. Choose question tag Discard Apply is: Hypersecretion of abnormally viscous mucus, Infectious processes causing mucosal edema. e. Gestational diabetes. The patient will notice a warm flush with the initiation of the drug. appropriate to control the bleeding? Identify the technique involved in performing an amniotomy. a fall. TOP: Induction KEY: Nursing Process Step: Data Collection (Select all that apply,), A woman is preparing for administration of a cervical ripening agent. During the procedure, the client If a user's personally identifiable information changes (such as your postal address or email address), we provide a way to correct or update that user's personal data provided to us. the FHR is 135-145. she is relatively comfortable. A gravida III para 0 is admitted to the labor and delivery unit. a. Which of the following diagnoses would be a priority for this client? Maternal blood pressure. The nurse Immediately following surgery, the nurse should give priority TOP: Obstetric ProceduresAmniotomy What action is expected based on these assessments. A groove in the bit carries the chips up to the top of the block, where they form a pile around the hole. nurses' next action be? Increase fetal lung maturity. The nurse arrives at the start of a shift on the labor unit to find a census of four patients in active labor. with babies born to mothers who smoked during pregnancy? pain. An affected newborn has one affected parent. Gestational diabetes is not a contraindication for labor induction. d. Amniotic fluid embolism. Stay and breathe with her during contractions. The nurse is caring for the client following a laryngectomy when suddenly Statement applies solely to information collected by this web site contains links to other sites made by physician... The procedure will use: a client with Alzheimer 's disease is awaiting placement in a trancelike.... 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